Monitoring your website for uptime/downtime provides a consistent user experience that keeps your customers happy.
Keeping your End Users Happy
End Users, readers, website visitors… whatever term you’d like to use, these are people who visit your site; people who have power to make your site popular or unpopular—people who have the power to make your site succeed or fail. With that said, doesn’t it make sense to keep these people happy? Whether you have a small foodie blog, or a giant e-commerce website, you still need to keep these end users satisfied, and one of the best ways to do that (beyond great customer service and a great product or service offering) is to implement user experience monitoring to make sure that your website is operating properly.
Website Monitoring Leads to a Good User Experience
One of the worst things for your reputation as a blogger, webmaster, or e-business owner is an error-prone, problematic website. This can be especially bad if you’ve spent time working on promoting your site, only to have people visit it and find that it’s down. There are a number of reasons why a website may not load properly which can include hosting or server problems, issues with the CMS (such as WordPress), security problems (such as hackers), and other various issues. Whatever the problem, if you care about your visitors, it’s important to know when there’s a problem as soon as possible so you can take steps to remedy it before end users notice or lose trust in your website.